Governor Information

At Hundon and Thurlow Primary Federation, we have one governing body that works across both schools. The Governing Body is responsible for making sure that every child receives the best possible education while they are at primary school, and that they are kept safe. Governors also:

  • develop a vision and strategy for the Federation;
  • oversee the financial performance of the Federation and make sure its money is well spent;
  • hold leaders to account for the quality of education across the Federation

The Governor role is strategic rather than operational; governors do not get involved in the day-to-day running of the schools. Instead, they support and challenge the leadership team to drive improvement.

Our Governing Body is made up of thirteen members:

  • Two parent governors (one from each school in the Federation, selected by the parents)
  • The Executive Headteacher
  • One member of the Federation staff, selected by the staff
  • One Local Authority governor nominated by the Local Authority
  • Six Co-Opted Governors, appointed by the Governing Body. These may be people with particular skills or expertise and may come from the local community
  • Two Foundation Governors: representatives of the Diocese.

We also have Associate members. These are people who attend on the basis of their knowledge and expertise but do not generally have voting rights

The Governing Body meets five times a year, either in person or virtually. We also have two committees which meet at least once a term: Finance & Personnel and Premises, Health, Safety & Welfare. Governors:

  • get to know the schools, including visiting them occasionally during school hours to gain a good understanding of the strengths and development areas for the schools;
  • attend meetings (full governing board meetings and committee meetings) and read all the papers before the meeting;
  • act in the best interests of all the pupils of the schools;
  • behave in a professional manner, as set down in the Governing Body’s code of conduct;
  • participate in relevant training.

The Federation is always keen to hear from parents or members of the community who are interested in becoming a governor or who want to know more about the role. We are particularly interested to hear from people with a strong business or finance background. Contact the office of either school and they can put you in touch with the Chair of Governors.