Bumblebees Class

Class Teacher - Miss Lizzie Allin

Towers, Turrets and Tunnels

For our themed learning, we are beginning with the unit ‘Towers, Turrets and Tunnels’.

In this project, We’ll learn all about the different parts of a castle and in History, we will describe how they have changed over time. Using a wide range of materials in DT, we’ll build models of castles and test the strength of our structures.

We’ll learn the stories of Rapunzel, The Three Little Pigs and The Three Billy Goats Gruff and create models inspired by them. Some geographical maps and photographs will help us learn about the tallest buildings and the longest tunnels in the world.

Not only this, but we will find out about the amazing Victorian engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

Towers, Turrets and Tunnels Knowledge Organiser

This half term we will be reading the following books in class: